Aoife Niamh

(EE-fa NEEV)

Basic Information

Race: Roegadyn (Sea Wolves)
Age: 35
DoB: 10th Sun, 5th Astral Moon
Gender: Female
Height: 6 fulms 9 ilms
Weight: 283 ponz
Place of Birth: Moraby Drydocks
Residence: The Lavender Beds, Ward 24, Lily Hills Apt. 76
Occupation: Stevedore (Former)
Languages: Common; Roegadyn
Diety: Nophica, the Matron


Aoife was born and raised near the Moraby Drydocks. With little in the way of formal education she followed on her father's path as a stevedore and met her husband, Deaglan Niamh, at the docks.

After her husband was found guilty of treason against Limsa Lominsa -and after she served her own four year sentence - she left the drydocks in search of information that would lead to his exoneration.

She soon fell in with The Sapphire Lilies, an outfit specializing in fulfilling jobs of questionable nature, hoping that their associations with less savory organizations would lead to the evidence she needs.

Limsa Lominsa v. Aoife Niamh

Records of note in the matter of Limsa Lominsa v. Aoife Niamh, Case No. 3:72-fh-284697.

Register of Actions

Events and Orders of the Court

5/15: Arraignment
1. Assault W/ Intent to Murder Yellowjacket
Not Guilty Entered by Court
2. Misprision of Treason
Not Guilty Entered by Court

7/28: Disposition
1. Assault W/ Intent to Murder Yellowjacket
2. Misprision of Treason
3. Obstructing or Impeding Yellowjacket
Pled Guilty
4. Misprision of Felony
Pled Nolo Contendere

8/22: Sentence
3. Obstructing or Impeding Yellowjacket
48 Moons (Concurrent)
4. Misprision of Felony
30 Moons (Concurrent)

Presentence Investigation Report

Age: 29 (at time of sentencing)
Race: Roegadyn
Education: Informal
Dependents: None
Citizenship: Limsa Lominsa
Aliases: Eifamyna Haldtoegwyn

Part A – The Offense

Charge(s) and Conviction(s)

1. On 5/15, Aoife Niamh was arraigned on one count of Assault With Intent to Murder a Yellowjacket in violation of 20 L.L.C. 113 and one count of Misprision of Treason in violation of 20 L.L.C. 2382.

2. On 7/28, the defendant appeared before this Court and pled guilty to one count of Obstructing or Impeding a Yellowjacket in violation of 20 L.L.C. 111 and entered a plea nolo contendere to one count of Misprision of Felony in violation of 20 L.L.C. 4.

Related Cases

3. Limsa Lominsa v. Deaglan Niamh, Case No. 3:72-fh-284696.

The Offense Conduct

4. On 4/11, Yellowjackets attached to Station 3 in Candlekeep Quay were approached by IDENTITY REDACTED (hereinafter identified as CI1). CI1 reported that Deaglan Niamh, a supervising logistics clerk at the docks, was involved in a scheme wherein he would order unknowing dockworkers to divert particular incoming containers to storage units he knew were not scheduled for inspection. Although he logged the diverted cargo as containing common goods, CI1 reported that the containers held INFORMATION REDACTED BY ORDER OF MAELSTROM COMMAND. These containers would then be delivered to an unknown third party. CI1 did not identify the ultimate recipient of the containers. Based on the information provided by CI1, the Yellowjackets began an investigation into Deaglan Niamh.

6. On 5/6, Yellowjackets were approached by IDENTITY REDACTED (hereinafter identified as CI2), who reported that Deaglan's wife, defendant Aoife Niamh, had become aware of the scheme. Based on CI2's information, Yellowjackets made contact with defendant and initiated an interview.

7. Defendant denied knowledge of the scheme. Interviewing Yellowjackets described defendant as "nervous and agitated," and found her answers evasive. When asked where her husband had been that morning with specificity, defendant answered that he had been working with her on Dock 7. Unbeknownst to defendant, observing Yellowjackets had witnessed Deaglan at Storehouse 11, where they later confirmed storage of contraband cargo. When pressed, defendant abruptly ended the interview. Yellowjackets present described her parting language as "discourteous."

8. Under mounting pressure from Maelstrom Command after repeated failed attempts to ascertain the identity of the unknown third party recipients of the smuggled goods, Yellowjackets obtained arrest warrants for defendant and her husband. Yellowjackets served the warrant the next morning at or about 4am.

9. Accounts of the arrest vary between defendant and the Yellowjackets as well as amongst the Yellowjackets themselves regarding their method of entrance into defendant's home and the announcement of their identity and intention to service an arrest. It is undisputed between all parties that defendant obtained a bladed weapon and slashed one of the Yellowjackets across the chest before being subdued.

Victim Impact

10. Defendant injured one Yellowjacket during the arrest. Although struck across the chest with a bladed weapon in what would otherwise be a grievous or fatal wound, his armor protected him from serious injury. He suffered moderate contusions across his sternum, but otherwise made a full recovery.

Acceptance of Responsibility

11. Inasmuch as defendant pled guilty to the charge of Obstructing or Impeding a Yellowjacket, defendant refused to enter a guilty plea to the charge of Misprision of Felony and was allowed by the Court to enter a plea nolo contendere to that charge. Defendant additionally has not expressed genuine remorse for her conduct, and was unable to provide an answer when asked what she would have done differently had it been clear the men entering her home were Yellowjackets serving an arrest. An offense level reduction for acceptance of responsibility is not appropriate.

Offense Level Computation

Obstructing or Impeding a Yellowjacket
a) Specific Offense Characteristic: Defendant's conduct constituted an aggravated assault. +14
b) Specific Offense Characteristic: Defendant used a dangerous weapon. +4
c) Specific Offense Characteristic: Defendant caused bodily injury: +3
Count 1 Offense Level: 21

Misprision of Felony
a) Base offense level computed at -9 offense levels from the underlying felony, not to exceed +19. Base offense level for the underlying felony of Treason is +43.
Count 2 Offense level: 19

Combined Adjusted Total Offense Level: 23

Part B – Defendant's Criminal History

12. Defendant has no recorded criminal history. Defendant's criminal history points total is 0, establishing a Criminal History Category of I.

Part C - Offender Characteristics

Family Data

13. Defendant was born Eifamyrgan Haldtoegwyn, but changed her name upon her marriage to her husband, Deaglan Niamh. Deaglan is currently charged with treason in related case 3:72-fh-284696 and is awaiting trial. They have no children and defendant is not currently pregnant. Defendant reports her father was killed in a workplace accident when she was 22, but that her mother survives and currently resides near Summerford Farms. Defendant additionally reports two brothers and a sister, but stated that they have not spoken for some years.

Physical Condition

14. Defendant is 6'9" and weighs 341 ponz. She has dark grey skin and black hair. She has a deep cut across her face over her right eye sustained during arrest. The wound is superficial and is expected to heal. Defendant is otherwise in good health.

Part D - Factors That May Warrant Departure

Substantial Assistance

15. Information regarding this section of the report has been redacted. Information redacted may include confidential information, information related to ongoing or future investigations, and/or information compromising to private persons or entities. To request access to this information, report in person to Maelstrom Command, Grand Company Headquarters at Aftcastle, Limsa Lominsa.

Part E - Sentencing Options

16. Based on a total offense level of 23 and a Criminal History Category of I, the guidelines range of imprisonment is 46-57 Moons.

17. Notwithstanding the above factors warranting departure, defendant was offered a significant reduction in charges as part of her plea. Those factors played a determining role in the reduction of charges included within the plea agreement. A sentence within the guidelines range of 46-57 Moons is recommended.